
Tuesday, 28 June 2016


I couldn't think of a better title for this blog post than to describe how I feel right now. After a weekend hanging out with so many amazing quilty people at the Sydney Craft and Quilt Fair, my inspiration is like... through the roof. I want to make alllll the things, design allll the things, and talk sewing and quilting and creating ALLLL THE TIME!

The Quilt Fair was the first big one I've ever been to. Which in itself was amazing (oh the quilts! We'll be sharing pics on IG at @makemodernmagazine), but the people. That is what took it from amazing to fan-freaking-tastic. I met so many incredible people! So so many.

But I digress. I need to backtrack a little way and share a tiny bit of the lead up to the craft fair. Don't worry, it involves quilty pictures!

Like this one:

Why yes, I did make it myself, thank you for asking. Why no, there will not be close up photos as I've discovered bag making is not my thing. However I felt I needed something to make myself something recognisable at the Craft Fair. Well besides this bit of awesome that I wore EVERYWHERE:

No not the pincushion. Too heavy to wear but it graces my sewing desk quite nicely, thank you very much. That's my name tag made for me by none other than the amazing Angie of GnomeAngel (who I got to meet! More about that later!). Isn't it seriously perfect?! I shall have to remember to do a blog post about the name tag swap because Awesome.

But back to the bag. It's a Super Tote designed by Noodlehead. Now I'd seen many of these around and thought they were cool, then I saw Erin's (@quilybystarlight) version and about died. She was a clever clogs and added my geometric sewing machine to the front. With her permission and encouragement, I blatantly copied her idea - but with a rainbow version.

This pattern is in my Craftsy shop for the curious - and I made it with 25 Sketch prints and 25 solids. I like rainbows, what can I say? I even added a rainbow gusset (oooh fancy).

And yes, I did wear it the whole weekend. It was the perfect size for all the stuff I needed to carry, including all the loot I bought. Oh and look at me showing it off at dinner with GnomeAngel (name dropping!). Check out her unicorn horn. Wonder where that could have come from...

So between the bag and the name tag, I had the perfect quilty icebreaker to talk to quilty types. Not that I necessarily needed it, I was so excited I think I talked to anyone and everyone who vaguely glanced my way. My social skills may need work.

I was lucky to have two beautiful IG friends, now turned besties (obviously) to hang out with for the weekend. I could not have asked for better company - Keera from Live Love Sew, and one of my partners in crime from Make Modern Magazine, Lara (@luellabella).

Fortunately we had organised a dinner for the first night (with the help of my partners in crime Keera @livelovesew and Molli Sparkles (@molli_sparkles). Best thing ever. Around 30 quilty types all hanging out, drinking and talking and yelling and laughing - followed up by an indulgent chocolate dessert at the Lindt Cafe at Darling Harbour.

That pic only shows half the awesomeness that attended our dinner. I stupidly didn't manage to get a photo of EVERYONE who came - but trust me - all brilliant. I don't have enough superlatives to describe how fantastic it was to meet everyone and hang out and chat and talk and chat and talk.

In fact I don't have enough words to describe the entire weekend. If you have a chance to do something like this, I so encourage you to go for it! It's like you've found your tribe. You have all these people who totally get you, get what you love, and share your passion. There's something a little magical in that. So much time spent talking, bouncing ideas off each other, sharing knowledge and discussing all things quilty. You really can't get much better than that.

And on that note, I'm off to work on my to-do list which has grown five fold with all the inspiration and creativity I encountered over the weekend! Hope your day is the same!

Usual disclaimer: While I do not have direct paid sponsorship on my blog, I am a Craftsy affiliate and receive commission payments based on affiliate links that I may include within my blog posts. A girl's got to help fund her fabric addiction somehow ;)


  1. Inspired indeed! What a wonderful time you had! Love the nametag- that will open many doors in the future!😊

  2. so good for the heart and soul !! Looks like you had a wonderful time with amazing people.

  3. I know what you mean about people that "get" you. My friends at school were all like "oh, hey, how was Sydney?" I proceeded to gush about everything and they looked at me like I was from another planet - oops - that's right, I'm not in Kansas anymore Toto ... ho, hum, it was awesome while it lasted! Great to meet you in real life and I can't wait to see what all of your inspiration transforms into! xx

  4. LOVE that bag! A sewing machine and a wide bottom - that could sum up my life!!

  5. Looking forward to what this brings you creatively. A boost like this is as good as a holiday I think!

  6. Looks like a fun time. Great bag and name tag.


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