
Friday, 24 June 2016

A Hover of Helicopters - RJR Fabrics What Shade Are You?

Hello! My name's Kristy Lea of Quiet Play. I'm a bit of a foundation piecing fanatic, so when asked to join the RJR What Shade Are You blog hop, well there was only one thing to be done. Design a foundation pieced pattern, perfect for use with solids.

I knew I wanted to do something with rainbow solids (rainbow is my favourite colour, let's be honest!) and the timing happened to coincide with the early arrival of my darling new little nephew. Both his parents are helicopter pilots, so it seemed only natural to design rainbow helicopters. Ok well not actual rainbow helicopters, but little helis in rainbow order. With fluffy white clouds. Because who doesn't love clouds?

Picking fabrics for a project is probably one of my most favourite parts of quilting. And this was no different. I went for bright, bold colours to make for a very happy rainbow hover of helicopters.

Ahhh bestill my rainbow loving heart. That's perfection right there. For the curious, the colours are (in rainbow order):
Chili Pepper 
Grass is Always Greener
Royal Blue
Turks and Caicos

Bora Bora and Poolside for the background colours.  Ah pretty pretty.

The cotton supreme solids are beautiful for foundation paper piecing. The seams crease perfectly and you get such a crisp look with paper piecing. It was hard to stop at just 6 little choppers!

Here's a close up of the helicopters. After a bit of deliberating, I decided to personalise it by paper piecing my nephew's name as the centre piece of the quilt. This was just one of those quilts where the design and the piecing all just came together beautifully. Finished it off with wavy quilting to give the little helicopters some movement. 

The hardest part of this project? The photography most definitely.

It was a really tough life to have to go to New Zealand and visit the amazing Fox Glacier on the South Island just to get some photos of my quilt. The lengths we quilters go to! Ok kidding, I went on a family visit, and during that time was fortunate enough to have a helicopter flight up and over the Glacier - just spectacular. I didn't think to take the quilt with me ON the helicopter to photograph at the glacier, so these snaps beside the chopper will have to do. ;)

I know, I know, it's hard to decide whether to look at the quilt or that scenery isn't it!

All the patterns used in this quilt are listed in my Craftsy shop - helicopters, clouds and the alphabet is from my Geometric Alphabet patterns. If you love a bit of paper piecing shenanigans, pop over and check out my Instgram feed @quietplay or my blog - Quiet Play

Thank you to RJR Fabrics for including me in this very fun blog hop - I've loved seeing what everyone else has made, as well as working with these fabrics myself. 


  1. Beautiful baby on his wonderful quilt. Love your location shots!

  2. Your Hudson quilt is precious just like the baby. What a cutie pie. Loved your seeing machine and purses. I had to give up quilting because of neck problems from leaning forwaRD. It breaks my heart. I loved it so. Still have several I have never finished. If I could just limit myself to 15 minutes at a time, I would probably be OK. Love your work. genie


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