
Thursday, 28 July 2016

Quiet Play Goodies

It's likely not a surprise to anyone, but my geometric sewing machine pattern is my most popular of all my paper pieced patterns. Don't tell my other patterns, but it's definitely one of my favourites! I've made a number of versions in a number of sizes. In fact I've recently added a simplified version in varying sizes to my pattern shop. So now there are options! Because we all like options obviously!

 But maybe paper piecing isn't your most favourite - but you love the geometric sewing machine. Perhaps you'd like to show off your love of all things quilty by wearing it - oh yes you can get a geometric sewing machine tshirt through Patchwork Threads. It's perfect for retreats or quilt shows - just saying ;)

Or maybe you'd like one to grace your sewing room wall - without the effort of paper piecing. Maybe you need a clock? Well look at this - I've got you sorted! You can now get a geometric sewing machine wall clock. Hooray! And it doesn't even make a noisy tick - so no distractions when you're sewing. Can't get better than that right?!

And to finish up on some sewing news... I'll have a new pattern coming out soon that features the geo sewing machine. This time it'll be a pattern to make a full quilt. I'm a bit excited about it - it's currently with testers and I hope to release it in September. So watch this space!

Usual disclaimer: While I do not have direct paid sponsorship on my blog, I am a Craftsy affiliate and receive commission payments based on affiliate links that I may include within my blog posts. A girl's got to help fund her fabric addiction somehow ;)


  1. Imagine designing such a cool graphic and having it on clocks and t-shirts!? How cool is that!!!

  2. I've always loved your sewing machine. Congratulations on having it "go viral"!

  3. How cool to have your design on t-shirts and a clock! I love my sewing machine cover I made with mine! I'm finally finding the time to quilt my 'And Sew On' wallhanging I made as part of your sew along some time ago (I don't even want to look up how long it has been waiting!). Only problem is I'm going back to full time work in a week so I don't know how I'll go once that happens! Love the look of your upcoming quilt too.

  4. I just downloaded your pattern! What is your favorite thread for foundation paper piecing? I'm trying to find the best options before I start on this awesome pattern :)


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