Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Bloom Bloom Pow Progress

 I don’t think I have really joined in a QAL before – I am usually too impatient to wait for the new instructions to be posted so I can get on with things. But at the moment with plenty of WiPs, I’m managing to wait!

So we’re now up to the cutting part of Bloom Bloom Pow being hosted by Lee of Freshly Pieced. This is the fun cutting part – everything into triangles!

Blooms in solids

I have never made a quilt with triangles before (another first!). I love seeing how they go together to make such pretty blocks!


I am using all solids for this quilt – and am loving the colours together. Pretty pretty.

Rainbow bloom

To show how spectacularly crap I am at taking photos, I don’t think any of these that I’ve shown you reflect the true colours of the fabrics!

Pretty pretty

But it’s okay because I’m having fun.

Well except when I wasn’t. Because I cut my first strip the wrong way.

Wrong wrong wrong

I started on the left side of the strip and worked across. That’s wrong. You start at the right side of the strip and work back. That’s right.

If you haven’t started cutting your triangles yet, you need to remember that the print is on the left side of your triangle (After this, I kept repeating “to the left, to the left” to keep track!). Must mention this error is completely mine and nothing to do with Lee's instructions. She even says in her instructions to start at the far right of the strip. Helps if I read more closely.

Cutting triangles the right way

These ones are correct! Fortunately I had enough blue solid left to add to the bottom of my miscut triangles. My flowers will spin the opposite direction and be a bit odd in final placement. But I can live with that.

I’m looking forward to putting these pretties together! This quilt’s destined for my daughter’s 3rd birthday so there’s a definite deadline happening here.

Pretty scraps
Even the scraps are pretty.

So how about you? Are you BBPing too?! It is hard to resist!



  1. How beautiful! This pattern looks wonderful with solids and white! x Teje

  2. I'm trying to BBP! But no time, and too many other projects, alas! I think it might go on the 'pinned for later' so many patterns before it! :(

    But yours looks gorgeous - love the colours and everything seems so crisp and bright!

  3. oh.My word. so pretty!!! makes me wish i had time to make BBP but alas, i will have to live quiltcariously through you :)

  4. Gorgeous Kristy!! I love your solids in this quilt. I wanted to join in with this QAL but too much on my plate.

  5. YUMMY! I sure do want "to bloom along", but I have other great stuff lined up the next few weeks! Your fabrics are fabulous!

  6. Looking good! You go girl! It's hard to resist but I'm keeping strong, lol.

  7. So pretty! I love it with solids which is my plan when I eventually get around to it :)

  8. I haven't given in yet. I want to but QALs and BOMs seem to be taking over my life at the moment. Love how you decided to use solids instead of the Pearl Bracelets! This one is going on my future to do list :)

  9. I really need to try a solids project. I never think of using them but I usually like them when I see other people's projects! I'm not doing this QAL but I'm thinking I might give it a try down the track.

  10. They look so so pretty in solids. I think you are going to have stunning quilt.

  11. Beautiful blocks and colors! I couldn't resist any longer and started sewing some yesterday.....I'll post about them tomorrow!

  12. That is going to be lovely! I haven't started BBP yet, but I'm enjoying seeing them around.

  13. Very pretty! I love the colors!

  14. Love the look of all those beautiful solids. I just finished up a triangle quilt top similar to this or I would have done the BBP. But I really like so many of the WIPs I am seeing, I might have to start one. SIGH.

  15. I love how this is turning out with the solids.

  16. I love your colour choices! They're gorgeous! What an awesome birthday gift for your daughter.

  17. I love how this is looking with all solids! Very nice work.

  18. Really pretty! I wanted to do this one but doesn't look like I have the time and I have stacks of the solids. Can't wait to see yours together. Maybe over the summer I can tackle it. Just love it.

  19. It's nice to see these in solids! I like the scrappy mixed colours look as well.

  20. It looks so pretty - it will be a wonderful quilt :)

  21. I think this might really be my favourite of the BBPs so far. :)

  22. It looks great so far Kristy. Feel your pain on cutting out on the wrong side!

  23. Looking fabulous so far, Kristy!

  24. Progress is being made! Woo! Now where is my damn triangle ruler!? This fabric pull is going to be so perfect for your daughter. Weren't you telling me you don't like orange and yellow (just one of them?), but see how nicely that yellow plays with the other fabrics?

  25. I love the rainbow bloom!


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