Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Riding in my helicopter…

It goes “wokka wokka wokka”. Well according to the song, it does. According to my sister, it’s just loud. Seeing as she’s a fully qualified helicopter pilot, I’ll take her word for it rather than that of the Playschool presenters.

So in honour of my fabulous sister getting her commercial helicopter licence, and the fact that I now have EQ7 (oh yeah, I’m still excited over that one!), I just had to draw up a paper pieced helicopter block. And then of course I had to test it and make sure it worked. Miracle of all paper piecing miracles, it pieced beautifully first go!

Helicopter block

Well except for the tail rotor. It went wonky. Possibly caused by all that turbulence and cloud in the air. Oh and the skids are a bit uneven. Ooh check me out using proper technical jargon. Apparently I have learnt something over the past year my sister has been studying.

So you don’t think I’m just making her up – here is my gorgeous sister in her flight uniform. Not her helicopter unfortunately! I’m pretty proud of her in case you can’t tell.

NelleNelle Helicopter

I’m going to turn my helicopter block into something for her as a congratulations gift – still deciding what. Can’t reveal all the details in case she pops by here for a sneak peek.

I did some tweaking on my design and made the helicopter a bit more simple to piece (only 6 pieced sections instead of 9) and just gave it a whirl then. Pretty happy with Helicopter take two!

Helicopter 2

There was less unpicking involved in this one as I tried to line all the sections up. Look at this little chopper, all ready to hit the skies, do some 360 autos, enclosed space landings and night flights. Yeah I have no idea what I’m talking about either. Just random helicopter terms that have stuck in my head while talking to my sister. (See, NelleNelle, I do listen! I just have little understanding of what it means. Like when I talk FMQ or paper piecing to you! hehe).

So that’s my current WiP. I’ve sent my little helicopter pattern over to the gorgeous Alyce of Blossom Heart Quilts to test for me. Hope it works out smoothly!

As for my other WiP (that’s right, I only really have two current WiPs. And I call myself a quilter. Unbelievable, isn’t it?), Peacocks in the Garden, guess what it looks like?

Cuzco fence

That’s right. Exactly the same as a week or so ago. I got myself all sorted to make a backing for it and get it done (I even cut the binding strips) but don’t have enough fabric. Argh. So that’s on hold til I get to the fabric shops and find something suitable. Hopefully soon as I’m already getting anxious to work on my next big project. Think it’s about time I used my Wrenly charm pack.

So that’s me. You can see what others are up to in their various stages of WiPness over at Freshly Pieced.


  1. Your helicopter is AWESOME!!! I'm super super impressed. Well done (oh and how cool are your parents buying EQ7 for you!?!)

  2. Didn't think it would take you long to start playing with your present! Your helicopters are brilliant, looks like you are going to have a lot of fun with your new toy :)

  3. Love the little choppers! My hubby and I accompanied our daughters school class on a field trip in June and we got helicopter rides! Very cool. Your quilt is stunning as well!

  4. You are a wizz at designing paper piecing patterns! This heli-chopper is fantastic! Don't you hate it when you don't have enough fabric to finish a project!? Ugh!

  5. I hate comments that say "oh, your block is so cute" - but you know what, your helicopter block is sooo cuuttee!!! I could imagine some little boy being stoked to have a quilt with helicopters on it, huge kudos to you for designing it!

  6. Congrats to your sister!

    Shame on the lack of fabric. I hate it when something like that happens. I'm out of batting right now and would like to finish some pillowcases..argh.. We'll finish our projects another day! x

  7. That helicopter block is awesome! A boy quilt made out of those in different colors would be a big hit! Congrats to your sister, that is a huge accomplishment.

  8. That 'copter block is super cute! It would make a great child's quilt :)

  9. Congratulations to your sister! Your helicopter is adorable! The background clouds are so fun.

    Peacocks in the garden turned out *so* beautiful. I hate when I don't have enough for a backing, especially when I am just a little off I had to google to see what Wrenly looked like, gorgeous fabric! I can't wait to see what you are doing with it!

  10. That helicopter is amazing! Love your peacock garden, thanks for linking up!

  11. I love that block so much! I'm sure you'll make something lovely and fun for your sister, but I'm also seeing how great this would be as a little boy quilt-- a rainbow of helicopters in all different colors!

    And props (har har) to your sister--that's really cool!

  12. How cool! I bet your sister will love such a clever present :)

  13. The helicopter blocks look great! I prefer the first one, it looks like its moving more.
    I'm sure your sis will love her surprise gift =D

  14. Love the helicopter block. Even with EQ7 I don't think that I could have designed such a cute block!

  15. Oh you are so clever! And way to go sis!! I'm sure she will love that little chopper block.

  16. Love the helicopter for your sister! Congrats to both of you!

  17. I love those helicopter blocks! My boys got excited about them too.

  18. I am 'the sister' and I'm so impressed with my gift. I'm sure everyone on this blog knows how much effort went into it, I still have no idea what an EQ7 is, sounds like an aircraft to me! Well done Kristy, I have it proudly on display and think of you and how talented you are every time I look at it x


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