
Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Geo Geo Everywhere!

I don't think it's any kind of secret that I have a major geometric crush of late. You only have to look at my patterns over the last 6 months (or longer?!) to see proof of that. One of my favourites is the geometric sewing machine. I think it must also be a favourite of quilters as it's my best selling pattern!

So now I have big exciting news! It's been hard to keep this one a secret. I've teamed up with Patchwork Threads and you can now get a geometric sewing machine tshirt. Oh yes, you can declare your love of all things geometric AND sewing, all in one shirt! Woohoo!

Even better - right through til Thursday US time, you can pre-order this shirt and get a 20% discount. Just use the code "GEOSEW". Awesome right? Hurry though, not much time! Clicky clicky.

And because I like more pictures in my posts, here's a quick revisit of the two versions of this patttern I've made. A 16" mini quilt, and then a 5" mini mini version!

You can pick up this pattern in my Craftsy shop or Payhip shop so you can make your own version. If you're on IG and make it, I'd love to see. Tag it with #quietplaypatterns and #geometricsewingmachine so we can check it out!

Usual disclaimer: While I do not have direct paid sponsorship on my blog, I am a Craftsy affiliate and receive commission payments based on affiliate links that I may include within my blog posts. A girl's got to help fund her fabric addiction somehow ;)


  1. Nice one Kristy! I love a good rainbow too :)

  2. Very cool - must be a great feeling to have your designs on clothes too!

  3. Is the mini sewing machine a separate pattern, or did you just resize your full size pattern? I love the idea of using a 5" size to make myself a name tag for quilty events!

    1. I just resized my full pattern but I am looking at adding the smaller version into my shop :)


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