
Friday, 12 February 2016


I have a bit of a confession. Or maybe just a bit of an obsession. I don't think it's going to come as a secret to those of you who hang out on IG that I have a bit of an infatuation with feathers of late. The paper pieced kind. And lately - ones made with Blueberry Park.

Exhibit A:

Oh these make my quilty heart so happy. I've felt like there need to be feathers made in allll the colours of Blueberry Park. So I am on a mission.

It started like this. All the pretty fabrics laid out ready to make pretty pretty feathers. Did I mention they're pretty? And I just keep making them.

Seriously. How much perfection is there in this line of fabric? It's by Karen Lewis and if you haven't already added this to your stash, run or click to your nearest fabric shop and get some. Or a lot. Or like an endless supply if possible.

So with 10 of these feathers made (must do an updated photo soon!), and a plan for another 18, expect to see a bunch more of these popping up around the place.

And if you're keen to make your own feathers, I have two feather patterns in my Craftsy shop currently. One is more detailed which I used to make this quilt (must blog about it one of these days). Each feather has around 60 pieces. So I'm not kidding about a more detailed feather.

 Then there's the Simplified Feather pattern which looks a little like this. A lot less pieces. And this one can easily be adapted to be simpler again with just two prints per feather - like all my Blueberry Park Feathers I'm making :) Versatility. That's what it's all about my friends.

If anyone's looking for me, I'll be at my sewing machine. Sewing more feathers. Because - pretty.

Usual disclaimer: While I do not have direct paid sponsorship on my blog, I am a Craftsy affiliate and receive commission payments based on affiliate links that I may include within my blog posts. A girl's got to help fund her fabric addiction somehow ;)


  1. Wow, that quilt is stunning. I love what you're doing with the simplified feathers too... make sure you show us the finish! I'd love a bundle of blueberry park, alas my fabric budget for the next fewonths is zero!

  2. I adore your feathers!!! It is so cute with the both sizes in the fab fabrics!


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