
Friday, 3 January 2014

Paper Piecing Party–Wombat Stew Review

 I thought about doing collages for a bit of a round up of my paper piecing projects of 2013. But then I decided that might take awhile. So I went with my 2013 Wombat Stew blocks instead! Perhaps I should mention Wombat Stew is a paper piecing bee - not some weird Aussie recipe ;) We don't eat wombats. Honest.

Here’s what I made for the various themes throughout the year!

Wombat Stew 2013

We had a block for each month – with two months off – one for ATCs midway through the year and we took December off and did a Secret Santa. I may have been a bit unWombatish for my Secret Santa as my gift didn’t even include paper piecing! Shocking! (Must post about that soon!).

I love my Wombat gals – such a creative, inspiring, talented group of lovely friends. I am very blessed to have them in my life. And so with a fabulous 2013 spent with these 8 girls, I am very much looking forward to a fabulous 2014 of paper piecing fun! Love you gals!

So that’s my share for the Paper Piecing Party this week. Your turn!


  1. I think we are very lucky girls to have such a fab group! xx

  2. I love seeing all those pretties together!!! Love you back oh Queen of Paper Piecing and Pattern maker extraordinaire!!!! I am still pinching myself that I get to pp with the Wombat girls :)

  3. weird Aussie recipe :-) thanks for laughter!

  4. All of those blocks were fabulous but I think rapunzel stole my heart!
    Ps - rapunzel just tried to autocorrect to rap zeal. Stupid apple. It needs to read more fairy stories and listen to less angry music.

  5. All such great blocks! Love the bird with the scissors still :)

  6. Such a great variety of blocks Kristy, love the bird with the scissors!

  7. You are so talented!


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