
Monday, 20 January 2014

LEGO Star Wars… just when you thought I was done

 This post is brought to you by the soundtrack of Star Wars (currently playing in my house), and by the letter G. G being for glutton. As in glutton for punishment. Yep I’m back on the Star Wars wagon starship again.

It was not long long ago, nor in a galaxy far away, that I made the last LEGO Star Wars project. It was mere months. And I thought it would be much longer before I revisited these patterns. But as always, when you make definitive statements (i.e. I am NEVER going to make another LEGO Star Wars quilt again), you totally eat your words.

Exhibit A to which I’ve given the working title of “Words Eaten”.

LEGO Star Wars paper pieced wallhanging

You will notice at least, that while glutton I may be, crazy I am not. Three blocks only this wall hanging has. Yoda the favourite is. Hrmmm.

Lego Anakin paper pieced block

Three blocks pieced using a mix of Sketch and Colour Weave, Kona Ice Peach for the skin tone, and Kona Robin’s Egg blue for the background. I drew the faces on with a Pentel pen. Hastily sashed in what I think of as Star Wars colours – red with a black binding. A bit of straight line quilting, and I am calling this done.

Back of Lego Star Wars wallhanging

I had some Star Wars fabric floating around my stash (doesn’t everyone?!) which worked out perfectly for the back of the wall hanging. Yeah I know – Boba Fett got featured on there twice. But considering he does go for the clone thing, it’s appropriate no? (How do I even know this much about Star Wars?! What has my life become?!)


You can see my super impressive straight line quilting here. I was rather more impressed that I had the exact red thread to match the border. That never happens in my house. I used the red to sew the binding down, because I thought it looked awesome. And I also didn’t have any black thread. But mostly because I thought it looked awesome.

Oh and I also recently pieced a General Grevious. He doesn’t feature on my son’s quilt so it’s the first time I’v made this block. But he’s not living at my house. He’s actually for the gorgeous Fiona who chose the LEGO Star Wars characters for her theme for Wombat Stew this month. Smart girl that one, getting the wombats to help piece all the blocks ;)

General Grevious

Okay so despite my tone of woe and pity party invites, I actually don’t mind remaking these blocks, and I’m happy with how the wall hanging turned out and I know my friend’s son will love it and I’m also really good at run on sentences. I think my struggle here was more about piecing the same blocks over again. I’m not so good at that part. I get a little bored making the same thing over – I’d much rather move onto something new. So that said. I’m NEVER  not likely  not really intending on making more, but who knows what the future holds? And I don’t want to eat my words again.;)

LEGO star Wars quilt in the space shuttle

Can’t resist a chance to show off this quilt once more. And now perhaps you’ll understand why I’m not keen on tackling these blocks again. 16 characters is enough for this gal Winking smile But if you’re keen to try some for yourself, pop by my Craftsy shop. They are all there – and free. Along with Grevious. I even have a Battle Droid and Admiral Ackbar that will be added to the shop at some point (they just need to be tested – let me know if you want them).

Battle DroidAdmiral Ackbar

And that my friends is the end of my foray into LEGO Star Wars paper piecing. For now at least. Winking smile

Never say never, right?!


  1. Do you think the battle droid and Admiral Ackbar are slightly easier than the rest? If so I am happy to pattern test them for you :-)

  2. I have a hard time making the same block 2x and rarely do a repeat performance. The wallhanging looks awesome though!!! I love the red border with the black binding and the backing is perfect!!!! Your General turned out amazing too!!!

  3. Gorgeous it is, hmmmm. Red thread binding genius, it is. xx

  4. Great wallhanging Kristy, you could probably make the Star Wars blocks in your sleep by now :)

  5. Too cool for school! Of course, with all your Star Wars knowledge, we can no longer be friends. ;)

  6. Fantastic, and I know what you mean about repeating blocks/projects, it's never fun having to keep re-doing them, but they are fab blocks!

  7. I'm not a big fan of making a repeat of a block either, particularly a complex paper pieced one! Don't worry about being an expert on Star Wars, when my sons were small I could have been a consultant to the Jurassic Park movie makers on dinosaur data. I knew them all by name and type etc, etc. Now? Can't remember much at all!

  8. Lovely job on the wall hanging. Yoda, my favourite, he is. I know absolutely nothing about Star Wars and am very grateful that my hubby is not interested in it. I don't know what I'd do if I had to watch those movies over and over again. Can I admit that once was enough for my lifetime?

  9. Yikes! Love your courage and stamina in creating these awesome characters!

  10. The wallhanging looks great! Yoda is my favourite too.

  11. It looks fabulous and I have a little Star Wars obsessive who would love a similar quilt.

  12. You have made me laugh. I know way too well that NEVER AGAIN thing. It is Karma. Your blocks are awesome. I am still gathering strength to tackle my own Star Wars Quilt. My sons bday is in March and I have not started yet. Mmmm. Shame I don't have your friends to help me with the blocks! Hahaha

  13. OMG!! You are amazing!! I know just the person to make some of these for! She will die... just die at having a handmade star wars lap blanket.

  14. awesome you are. Awesome wallhanging is. Crazy you are.

  15. You really have to be the coolest Mum / Friend ever! You should be so proud of what you have achieved! I couldn't help my mind ticking over of my words about never ever making that LEGO bunting again - whilst I read this post. LOL

  16. Do you use a specific paper? I had trouble with my mini lone star. Is printer paper your paper of choice? Anyway, totally worth the painful process. I love all of these! You did a great job on them. I *will* have to try them.

  17. I'm happy to test a pattern. Seeing as though I told Lily I'd make all of your Star Wars blocks for her. By September. I will admit to dragging my feet just a little, as I know that it will take a long time. I've been telling Lily that we need to collect a bit more fabric first (thanks so much for always including what fabric colours you have used!).

  18. Good for you!! I rarely do anything twice and have somehow roped myself into making 16 identical bee blocks. I should probably just drop out now! :)

  19. Another fantastic foray in to the world of star wars Kristy! And i think it's absolutely hysterical that you think you won't piece anymore of these!!

  20. Never say never! And sadly, or happily, I got everyone of your Star Wars references! Your blocks are amazing! I do like Yoda, but your R2-D2 is still my favourite.

  21. I'm sure he was thrilled with the hanging and General Grevious. Is cool!

  22. It looks great! I know what it is like being the mother of a Lego obsessed boy - we are currently on countdown to the release of the Lego Movie, although I'm not sure it will be able to live up to the current level of excitement about it!
    PS I follow you on Instagram and you mentioned you have some Ninjago patterns - would it be incredibly cheeky to ask for copies of them? They are my son's absolute favourite!

  23. I would more than happily test those for you, my son would be delighted to have a Star Wars cushion to match his quilt :).

  24. Oooooo- Admiral Ackbar and a battle droid!!! I am in the midst of making a Star Wars quilt for my son. I'd love to add these characters if you get a pattern. I'd be happy to test them for you if you need someone to.

  25. Love all your Star Wars blocks. I will make them sometime, probably later in the summer. I have a few other things to do first. I would be happy to test, I've done a little bit of paper piecing a few years ago.

  26. I have actually finished my own version of your Star Wars quilt. I LOVE it!!! The top is all sewn together, sashings added on, and the quilt back is also already pieced and ready to be basted, but I have a problem. I cannot figure out what you used to make white markings on the characters faces. I tried a chalk pen, a gel pen and a metallic marker. The metallic marker worked the best, although it is silver, not white, so doing eyeballs is gonna look bizarro. Any tips or recommendations,and thank you, thank you , thank you for making these patterns available. I love this quilt and loved working on it.


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