
Friday, 6 December 2013

Paper Piecing Pattern Testers Please!

:: Thanks so much for the great response for pattern testers - I'm all set now with plenty of volunteers! Thank you! ::

It’s been a little hectic around here of late – not so much paper piecing happening as other projects have taken priority. Oh but don’t be dismayed, I’ve still been working on some paper pieced patterns behind the scenes. I couldn’t abandon paper piecing entirely!

With the new year approaching, I thought it might be time to update my Patten Tester List (Current testers – expect an email from me soon!). Plus I have quite a few patterns in the works. I’ve scattered a few pics of some new patterns throughout the post. They’ll be available for testing soon (soon being next year. Let’s get through Christmas and all the sewing involved first!).


So a few details about pattern testing for me:

When I have a group of patterns ready to test, I send out a group email with EQ7 sketches of the patterns. I ask pattern testers to reply with their preferred pattern they’d like to make. It’s a case of first in, best dressed on who gets which patterns. I’d rather testers choose a pattern that they want to make so they’re not having to make something they’re not loving (that kind of sewing is never fun!). Naturally there’s no obligation to join in each round – just if a pattern strikes your fancy and you want to try it out!

Some patterns are secret squirrels – and if that’s the case I’ll mention that in the email and ask that you don’t share sneak peeks or blog about it until I’ve announced or released the pattern. Generally though I’m happy for you to share what you’re testing for me with a link back to my blog (or a tag on IG if that’s where you’re sharing!).


I prefer the turn around time to be 3 weeks – but of course if a problem crops up, just drop me a line and let me know. It makes me sad when people ask for patterns then never get back to me with the results – bit of communication goes a long way Smile

Once you’ve tested the patterns, I request that you email me a picture and provide feedback on the pattern. It might be typos in the pattern, wrong numbering on the pattern, or suggestions on how a block might go together more smoothly. It all helps!

Bird Bath

I’d prefer testers to be familiar and comfortable with paper piecing, including small pieces and angles! Winking smile . Though I promise there will never be any y-seams in my designs! Most of my patterns tend to be intermediate to advanced in skill level.

So I think that’s about everything. Now it’s over to you. If you’re interested in being on my tester list, drop me a line (quietplay at Look forward to hearing from you!

And now onto the party! Share what you’ve been working on here!

Quick refresher on what the deal is with the Paper Piecing Party (full details here):
* It’s on every weekend here at Quiet Play, starting Friday.
* Link up something you’re working on that’s foundation paper pieced
* Link a blog post or flickr photo
* Visit at least two other links and leave a comment because that’s half the fun!


  1. I would be happy to be on your list, I love your patterns and am relatively good at paper piecing.

  2. that sounds like so much fun, but I do not think I am experienced enough, darnnit! I too love that owl, how cute!

  3. i don't recall if i'm on your tester list or not.. if i'm not, please add me, i LOVE paper piecing!!! gooberific @

  4. Hi there, I tested for you a long time ago, I am much better at paper piecin now and I really love the little birdbath and birdie, I'd love to test that one for you.

  5. The owl is awesome and I love that little Gnome too :)

  6. Pop me on your tester list Kristy. Happy to help!

  7. Looks like we have some great patterns to look forward to in the New Year!

  8. Hi Kristy! I would be happy to be in your testers-list! Your patterns are always beautiful and often fun, too! x Teje

  9. I would be happy to test the little owl for you! I have an owl quilt in progress (in eeeeearly stage ;) ) but I am collecting owl blocks for that so it would be a perfect fit :)

  10. Things have finally gotten back to normal around here so I'm ready to test again :). These patterns look great! Hopefully I'll get to test one out for you.

  11. I'm a very experienced paper piecer, would love to be a pattern tester for you!

  12. Your patterns are the best!!!

  13. I sent you an email. I sure would love to help pattern testing!! Thanks for the linky party!!

  14. Sent you an email, I really would love to be a pattern tester for you.

  15. Am I still on the good list or did I fall off of it to the bad side? Life has gotten better now that it isn't the beginning of the school year and I would love to be on the good girl list again!

  16. I'm still wanting to test for you Kristy! love your patterns!

  17. I definitely still want to test patterns for you! melcrafts (at) Hotmail (dot) com!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I read each and every word! I'll do my best to reply to them either via email or here on the blog, when time permits!