
Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Wip Wed - A Garden in the Making

 My biggest WiP at the moment is the Flower Garden quilt I’m making for my Little Miss 3 for Christmas. I have just finished making all the flowers so now it’s time to work out how to put them together.

Progress has slowed a little as plague has settled upon our house (otherwise known as the common cold). However with medication (in the form of Panadol and chocolate – equal doses), I’m getting there.

Favourite Daydream Flowers

These are my four favourite blocks I think. Maybe. It’s hard to pick just a few. They are all so pretty! This is such a lovely line of fabric – my photos don’t do it justice. (Ok in plain speak, my photos are crap today and I can’t be arsed to retake them. I’d much rather go to bed and feel sorry for myself in my snot-induced state.)

Rainbow Daydream Flower

The fabric line is Daydream by Kate Spain and the pattern is paper pieced – of course. I have just listed it in my Craftsy shop for those interested.

Daydream Flower Garden

I have made 12 flowers altogether. 6 in blue, 6 in pink. Despite my Lulu’s protest that they should be all pink, pink, pink. Regular readers will recognise a theme here. Miss 3 (a self declared Princess of Everything) only likes pink apparently. Red is occasionally permitted, maybe purple, but really the entire world should be pink. I’m trying to gently break it to her that while she may be Princess of Everything, it’s not possible for everything to be pink, and other colours are nice too.

Daydream Flowers

I think as long as I back this quilt in pink, pink, pink and use a pink binding, I should be able to get away with this. If not, well clearly Christmas will be ruined (please don’t underestimate a 3 year old’s ability for drama when pink is involved! Never go against a threenager when pink is on the line! And thanks Serena for the accurate description of a 3 year old!).

Right moving on. I think you’ve gotten the importance of pink in our household. My other project in the works is the Christmas Robin mini. Yep. No progress there but I plan to do something with it, hopefully today.

Christmas Robin
This little pattern is also available as a freebie in my Craftsy shop. But be quick, it’s only free for a couple more days, then it’s being put to work.

Oh and I shall leave with a reminder – the linky party for the And Sew On Big Finale/Show and Tell starts tomorrow! Looking forward to seeing your projects! Projects need to be finished (unless you’re putting all 9 blocks together – then I think a quilt top is sufficient!). Check the page here for details and the list of prizes on offer.

And that’s where I’m up to for WiP Wed.How about you?



  1. Threenager!! Ha! I have a twonager AND a fournager at the moment...

  2. These are very pretty blocks. My 2 are grown up now, but fortunately my daughter did eventually grow out of the pink phase.

  3. All the flowers look beautiful. Thanks for the free Christmas pattern.

  4. Ah yes, threenager ... I know that term all too well! Your blocks are lovely and can't wait to see it all put together (no pressure!).

  5. Aargh!!! The link up starts tomorrow?? I thought I had loads more time to get that last block made. Looks like the ironing will have to wait (again!) :)

  6. Love your new design and the colors used.I remember when I had to have things pink ~ it was long ago but really just about every piece of clothing I owned was pink!
    Hope your threenager loves her 'not quite all pink' quilt!

  7. Thanks for the free pattern! I love robins. =)

    Misery loves company...I have a cold, too. ugh...

  8. Amazing what good medicine chocolate is, isn't it? Hope you're all feeling better soon. The garden quilt is looking amazing.

  9. Wow, great post, even it is snot-induced! Ha ha, you really me me laugh! I do hope you are feeling better at the moment. If not, I recommend more chocolate!
    Your blocks are fabulous! Keep them coming!

  10. I love your flowers, & I can't believe that wreath with the bird! Wow! What detail. Thanks for offering it as a freebie. I like paper piecing at times, too. See my WIP at:

  11. Love the blocks. Great fabrics.
    Visiting from WIP Wed.

  12. Well, you may be feeling under the weather, but it hasn't affected your creativity in writing this post!

  13. What a nice flower pattern, looks great in different colours. Thanks for sahring, I´m pinning it for inspiration.

  14. Hope you feel better Kristy!! It's no fun to be sick especially when you're the mom. Love how your garden is growing :)

  15. Never heard of Panadol, but, chocolate is a wonderful drug. Hope you feel better soon.

  16. Hi Kristy! I love your flower garden! Beautiful blocks! Panadol and chocolate are all the time by hand! x Teje

  17. Your flower blocks are beautiful! I've just downloaded your lovely robin pattern. I'm not really much of a paper piecer but I can't wait to try this design :)

  18. HAHA - threenager! We have one of those (though he will become a fournager next month!), as well as a nineager and sevenager. Eleven years old seems perfectly fine! I love your flowers - I would much rather paper piece a pattern like that!

  19. These blocks are wonderful! I still can't get over the robin in the wreath.

  20. Your flower garden is coming along beautifully! (even if it's not all pink!) And i'm eagerly waiting to see what you do with your robin, so i can shamelessly copy it for my mom! Feel better soon!

  21. This is my favorite piecing block because it so easily looks like flowers. Uh, one of your six blue flowers is different. Wast that intentional? Just curious. Thanks for sharing, Val!

  22. Kristy, your flower blocks look beautiful! Just posted a link on my FB page. I can't wait to see it when you're finished! xo

  23. Love Kate Spain! Adoring the flowers.
    I was so hoping to be expecting a girl this time, so I would have excuses to make cute girly quilts, but it's another boy. So I'm just going to have to make girly quilts for myself or gifts for others.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I read each and every word! I'll do my best to reply to them either via email or here on the blog, when time permits!