
Friday, 18 October 2013

Something Blue – A Modern DWR

 I love the look of the Double Wedding Ring (DWR) pattern, but I don’t so much love the idea of all those curves. So when I saw posts about the DWR Challenge by the NYC Mod Quilt Guild, well I knew mine wasn’t going to be a traditional version. Naturally… my version is also paper pieced.

Without further ado, might I present my take on the DWR:

Something Blue DWR Challenge Quilt 2

I’m calling it Something Blue (thanks to Erin for the suggestion way back when – and for the encouragement from the moment I bounced my idea off her, right up until it was finished and photographed!). This is a mini quilt – measuring at 26” square. It’s destined to live on my wall I think. I just love looking at it. It’s probably wrong to heart one of your projects this much, but there you have it.

Centre of Something Blue DWR Challenge quilt

I had terrible problems getting the photos to show the vibrancy of the blues! I used Kona Robin’s Egg blue (lighter blue) and a homespun that is very similar to Kona Lagoon in colour. Love. Plus a bit more. The background fabric is Newsprint from the Collage line by Such Designs. More love. Love love love. Told you I heart this.

The pattern is one of mine - I drew it up specifically for this challenge - it's not in my Craftsy shop yet, I'm still deciding on how to do that (just the block or the whole quilt pattern?!).

Quilting on Something Blue DWR Challenge Quilt

The only part of this quilt that I did not love so much was quilting it. I really struggle with the actual quilting part. I want to be all adventurous and bold, but I’m not so fab at FMQ and I always worry my quilting will ruin my piecing. So generally I do minimal quilting – enough to hold the quilt together. That’s the point right?!;)

But for this project – I went a bit further. I tried a couple of quilting designs, but they did not work. There was much unpicking and gnashing of teeth. I do not care to rehash those minutes hours of quilty agony.  Then I settled on the echo quilting. Perfect. I used Aurifil thread for the very first time (I know, where have I been?!). It was #40 wt in white and boy was it smooth. Okay not at first. But that’s because my walking foot is evil. Uneven stitches, major drag, does not feed the quilt through, hates me. So I used my applique foot. Smooth sailing, even stitches, no drag, loves me. It’s like good vs evil. Seriously. Here’s pictorial proof:

Walking foot vs applique foot

So the quilt police might be after me (if I don’t post for a few days, you know I’m in quilting gaol, forced to square up a bazillion 1.5” HSTs as punishment) but this is what works for me. So I echo quilted inside all the stars and diamonds – all straight line quilting with my applique foot. I didn’t want to quilt over the top of the blue fabrics, and the white thread blends nicely into the newsprint. So this worked out for all involved. Happy.

Echo quilting on Something Blue DWR Challenge quilt

The backing is a fab repeat print that I had hiding in my stash. Not sure what it is, but it suited my purposes nicely. That being to hide the quilting on the back in case it didn’t look so fab. Doubts. I have them.

Backing on Something Blue DWR Challenge Quilt

I finished it off with the darker blue for binding and did a happy dance. Actually I did a happy dance in my head. The rest of me was madly snapping photos and barking orders at Miss 3 to get her shoes on so we could run out the door to pick Mr 6 up from school.

Binding on Something Blue DWR Challenge Quilt

And so my challenge piece is done! A modern take on the Double Wedding Ring pattern – and one that makes me very happy.

Something Blue DWR Challenge Quilt 2 (2)

So happy in fact, I’m going to link it up all over the blogosphere without apology, including my entry into the DWR Challenge at NYC Mod Quilters.

I Quilt at Pretty Bobbins, TGIFF which is at M-R's place this week, Finish It Up Friday at Crazy Mom Quilts

Oh and don’t forget to pop by and leave a comment on my giveaway post – a charm pack of Kate Spain’s Daydream. That’s right – an early release pre-cut. Tempting?

Daydream charm pack

Oh and hey, want to get in on the linky fun? Why not link up your latest happy foundation pieced project here?

Quick refresher on what the deal is with the Paper Piecing Party (full details here):
* It’s on every weekend here at Quiet Play, starting Friday.
* Link up something you’re working on that’s foundation paper pieced
* Link a blog post or flickr photo
* Visit at least two other links and leave a comment because that’s half the fun!


  1. That is fantastic Kristy! You are so creative! And I love what you did with the two blues.

  2. It's such a clever interpretation of a DWR Kristy - I think you have every right to be happy and proud!

  3. Well done you, it is a wonderful take on the DWR pattern, I might even be tempted to have a go at a whole quilt of these for my son and his fiancee! Okay it is late and I am tired, I'll try and forget I said that in the morning :)

  4. This is so beautiful! I'm not surprised you love it! Good luck in the challenge :)

  5. Wow, Kristy, this looks so intricate. I really like your choice of fabrics too, the blues just seem to shine next to the black and white!

  6. This is amazing!!! I've been trying to come up with an idea for the challenge. I'd love to enter something and I have an idea in my head, just can't figure out how to get it out of my head!
    Yours is stunning tho, I just LOVE it!!!!

  7. your walking foot is evil because it is a Singer :P love your new design :)

  8. Love the quilt and love the name of the quilt! Nice work on the quilting, the echo quilting really suits it. My quilting foot hates me too - never thought of using my appliqué foot though, thanks for the tip :)

  9. Yay, yay, yay! I love it too, Kristy! That newsprint background if fab too. Just keep practising with the FMQ -- it will come!

  10. Just gorgeous Kristy! Love the colours, love the newsprint, love the quilting! Awesome!

  11. I love it! And your quilting looks wonderful. Good idea using the applique foot.

  12. Oh she's beautiful! I'm glad to hear you love it so much - I think the best projects are the ones we feel like we love a little bit too much. Nothing wrong with your work making your heart happy.

  13. I have been looking forward to a pattern for this since I first saw it. Your prints and colors are perfect. And I love it as a quilt! This one will definitely go on my wish list once you list it, whether it is as a block or quilt pattern. It looks easy enough to figure out a quilt. I am just starting to really get into FMQ, and I bought a darning foot for my (older than me) machine. LOVE IT! Actually, I am kind of scared to try echo quilting. :D

  14. you need to kick Doubt out cause he is so wrong!! I love this piece and like to close one eye to look at it then look at it from another angle to see it in a different way. Hope you win a prize with that beauty!! I haven't even used my walking foot after the troubles you have had. Hope i dont end up in quilters jail squaring hst's!!! great job Kristy from start to finish!!

  15. Wow, I love this! My brother is getting married next summer and I am thinking about a DWR quilt for them. I would totally buy this when you put the pattern up.

  16. I love it! Great job Kristy!

  17. It's lovely! I'm the same with the actual quilting but yours looks totally expert!

  18. Ha ha ha. This is going to make me sound like a dunce but when I first saw this post I thought "Oh, that name is just perfect.". Ha ha... I forgot we had that chat all those weeks ago. :P

  19. Love this Kristy! I wish you had of designed it months ago so I could have made it in to the wedding quilt for my brother in law!!! Man, that would be a mammoth task! lol

  20. Wow! This is the coolest thing I've seen in a while.

  21. Your DWR turned out beautifully! Love the new print and the blues you used ~ the pattern is very clever!

  22. That mini is quite beautiful!

  23. I love it!!! Please put your pattern on Craftsy.

  24. This mini is amazing and modern and beautiful! I love every bit of it! (Had to laugh when you explained which foot worked for you! We won't tell on you!!) Love your fabrics and colors, too.


  25. This is just so pretty! And my favorite color too! Love the choice of a texty print (which I sorely need in my stash....I've not owned a texty print yet). And I share your angst over the FMQ-ing too. I'm too chicken to even try it yet. So far, only stitch in the ditch for me. I love to paper piece and would definitely purchase the pattern for the whole mini if you were to offer it.

  26. I LOVE it! I laughed all the way through your blog post - you are a very clever writer. And those photos of your feet are hilarious!! The echo quilting is so perfect for this quilt. And I totally relate to happy dancing in your head!!

  27. I saw your quilt on the DWR site. It is so cool! I like the way you quilted it too.

  28.!! This really turn out spectacular. You SHOULD be very pleased with yourself. That news print is so perfect.

  29. Such a beautiful mini - your piecing is perfect!

  30. I just love it. It just pops!

  31. Gorgeous Kristy! I love the photographic evidence lol lets have a WS quilt camp next year and I'll give you some quilty help :) thanks for linking up lovely xx

  32. Oh my!i This quilt is so so beautiful. I want someone to make me a quilt like that! ( I can´t, I have too many WIPs going on already ;) )

  33. I LOVE this! You are very justified in loving your own work--what would be the point of it all if you didn't heart your own work?

    Can't wait to see you post this pattern at Craftsy.

  34. Well you let us know when this pattern is available, because it is fan-freaking-tastic! Love it all!

  35. Love the design a lot. I'm a Follower of your shop and look forward to the pattern. I think selling it as a block is fine, then people can just make as many as they want for the size quilt they're doing.

  36. I like that pattern. It would also look great, combining the blocks to make a full size quilt.

  37. Sweet job! Love those blues!

  38. I can see why you 'heart' this - it's fabulous!!!

  39. this is so fantastic - bet you could quilt up a storm on it now !! good luck in the dwr challenge - I'll be voting for you :)


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