
Sunday, 13 October 2013

And Sew On – Show and Tell Info and Prizes

It’s nearly Show and Tell time!! Who doesn’t like to share their quilty projects? Especially when there are prizes up for grabs!

And Sew On BoM Button[3]

Don’t worry just yet – you still have til the end of the month to get busy making! The Show and Tell linky party will start on the 31st October and be open until 7th November. But I thought a bit of a post about the prizes available might be some incentive to get working on your projects!

So here’s the deal. To be eligible to enter your project into the Show and Tell, you need to have a finished project that uses at least one of the And Sew On blocks in it. You might just use one block and make a small mini, or you might use all 9 blocks to make a wall hanging for your sewing room.

Exhibit A:

And Sew On BoM Finished wallhanging

You will be able to enter up to two projects in the linky. I did spend a bit of time thinking this part over – as really you have a chance to make up to 9 projects if you did something separate with each of the blocks. However I want to be fair to those who decide to make a wall hanging like I originally intended when I started this BoM. So –two- projects it is. I will post here on the blog when the linky is open, and also include the link on the main BoM page so you can find it easily.

To share your project, you will need to link up either a blog post or a Flickr photo sharing your project. Then at the end of the Show and Tell week, I’ll randomly select winners for some of the fabulous prizes.

I know, I know, get on with the prizes already! Well okay! Here’s what you’ll have a chance at winning:
Fort Firefly prize from Fabricworm
2 yards of the winner’s choice from the Fort Firefly range from Fabricworm
A $20 gift certificate to Christa Quilts
A $25 gift certificate to Pink Chalk Fabrics
3 x $25 gift certificates to Fat Quarter Shop
A fabric bundle from Sew Me a Song
A F8th bundle of Japanese fabrics from Blossom Heart Quilts
2 x winner’s choice of 3 patterns from my Craftsy shop

So there you have it! 10 prizes on offer! And please pop by and support these sponsors as they have been so lovely to continue to support the And Sew On BoM throughout the year!

Oh and feel free to tell your friends who may have missed out on the freebies that the patterns are now listed individually as well as in a bundle ;)

And Sew On Collage

Looking forward to seeing your And Sew On projects! Happy sewing, my friends!


  1. Looks like fun! I have way too much on my plate right now, but I have a spot over my sewing machine that definitely needs a quilt some day. I plan on getting your patterns (probably post-holidays) because they are adorable and perfect for the sewing room. :)

    1. Well, I lied. I went and bought the patterns now so I have them available. Hopefully that will inspire me to work on it in the new year. That will probably end up being a lie, too. I know I'll try to tackle it soon, even though I have way too many Christmas gifts to make. Haha!

  2. I love your wall hanging! I'm a bit late to the party having only just found your blog, do you think you might run a BOM again next year?

  3. Ok, now I really need to get that last block made! Great list of prize sponsors just the incentive I need.

  4. I sure don't want to miss, lol.

  5. Super prizes up for grabs as they have been throughout the BOM. I can't wait to see the fun things everyone makes!!

  6. Cant wait to see what everyone did with theirs. Bet it is awesome sauce!

  7. What I really need is another month! This month is a disaster zone already with ill elderly relatives and a 21st to organise, followed by a graduation and a formal. I'm exhausted just thinking about it (or trying not to!). I totally forgot about this project with everything going on, not sure I'll get it together but here's hoping!

  8. Can't wait to see what everyone makes!

  9. These blocks are amazing! I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone links up :)

  10. Ok, quick question Kristy. What does 'finished' mean? I have all my blocks made and put together into a quilt top (a miracle due to an unexpected couple of hours of sewing time - my first for ages) but there is no way it will get quilted in time. Is that finished enough to link up?


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I read each and every word! I'll do my best to reply to them either via email or here on the blog, when time permits!