
Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Daydreaming about Retro Kitchens - WiP Wed

 Okay I’m not really, but the title ties in both my current WiPs! Curious? Well read on, dear bloggy friend, read on.

First up – I am making something pretty with Kate Spain’s new line Daydream. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say this is possibly my most favourite line yet. Possibly. It’s a bit statement, I know. I bought a charm pack initially and then it arrived. Love at first sight. So I had to go buy a layer cake. You know how it goes.

Then it was a case of working out what I wanted to make with all this prettiness. So I came up with a design that suits layer cake squares perfectly, and of course it’s paper pieced. Don’t worry, I’m aware this pattern could be made with regular piecing (I’m not that blinded by my paper piecing love!!) but I just love the crisp points that paper piecing brings.

Red Flower

Sweet little flowers! This will be to make a garden quilt for my gal for Christmas. She knows I’m working on it and approves all the pink flowers I’ve made though not so keen on the purple/blue but she’ll learn to love it. She doesn’t have a choic. ;)

Blue Flower

If there’s interest in the pattern, I’ll work on putting it together to list in my Craftsy shop. And just for future reference, which is more preferable? A single block pattern (like the majority of my current patterns listed) or a pattern with full directions for a quilt?

Pink Flower

At first when I drew the design up in EQ7 I wasn’t sure about it – or if it would do this gorgeous line of fabric justice. But I have to say, the more I make these blocks, the more I love Daydream. I’ve made 5 now – planning on 12 total. They are quick to make so I hope to have more to share soon!

So now onto the retro kitchen part of the title! Thank you SO much everyone who left comments on the Daydream giveaway (Deb from Simple Life Quilts was the winner btw!) and suggestions for BoM themes. A retro kitchen theme seemed rather popular. At first I wasn’t sure if I had more kitchen patterns in me (I have 14 already listed in my shop!) but then I started drawing… And well now I have 6 of the 9 BoM blocks drawn. If you don’t want a bit of an early peek at these, look away now!

Retro Kitchen 6

I’m trying to come up with a few more simple ones to start the BoM off with – and obviously my gal Betty there will be the final block. Doesn’t she look like she’s ready to whip a roast for dinner, followed by an apple pie baked from scratch? I’m pretty sure she’s all caught up on laundry and her house positively sparkles with cleanliness. She probably even sewed all her own clothes and painted the back fence in her spare time.


So 3 more blocks to go. The Wombat gals have been giving me some ideas but if there’s something you can think of that you think would suit this theme, well let me know and I’ll take it into consideration! It all depends on when and how inspiration strikes!  Inspiration struck and the last few patterns are now done! These patterns will be available for the BoM next year, starting Jan 1st, so if you saw the pics and actually wanted them to be a surprise, well you have some time to forget about them ;)

That’s me this week – WiPing it good. Now to work some more on those flowers, they are calling my name.
Wip Wed


  1. Oh those flowers are fantastic Kristy! And i'm loving the new series for your BoM... even if that Betty is making me look bad!

  2. I want a quilt like that for Christmas and I will take a gal like Betty! too! to keep me organized. Your patterns and creativity are simply amazing!!!

  3. Oh those retro kitchen blocks are adorable!

  4. I Love Betty!!! She is a fantastic retro mom. Looking forward to next year. I decided to cut back on BOMs next year but you can bet I won't miss this one.

  5. Umm, maybe a stack of recipe books (very retro, since we all use our computer these days).

    One of the old fashioned fridges with the round compressor on the top.

    A cake on a pedestal stand.

  6. I'd love to see Betty's favourite retro vase with her perfectly arranged flowers in it ... perhaps on her freshly french polished kitchen hutch which also happens to display her vintage serving platters? ps I'm never competing with Betty in a bake-off!

  7. I want to throttle Betty, LOL! She probably hand-quilts her quilts in her spare time, too. Ugh. This looks like it could be fun!

  8. Those are beautiful blocks and the colors so vibrant. I love them.

  9. Oh Betty looks kick ass! I'm loving your flower block too. So many things to quilt, so little time :-)

  10. Betty is fab!! Really love your flower blocks too!

  11. That Betty is making us all look bad but I do love her outfit. And the mixing bowl is great. Looks like you've got a great BoM planned there.

  12. That Daydream fabric is gorgeous and your blocks are perfect with it :) And your retro kitchen designs are amazing - I love Betty!

  13. The flowers are oh-so-gorgeous! Lucky Lulu.

    And, of course, "Betty" is my middle name. ;)

  14. WOW! You certainly are WIPing it good! I love your flower blocks. It is my fav block - the weathervane! And those new Kate Spains look so yummy!!! I need that! And then to add the retro kitchen stuff.... Wow, you're good!

  15. That final block is looking great and I'm loving the crafty little story it tells. ;)

    Really cool flower blocks. Lucky friend!

  16. Those flowers are gorgeous!
    I can't wait for the retro kitchen bom, those blocks are looking amazing and a few tricky ones in there! Maybe Betty can give me a hand with them!!

  17. LOL Betty! I hate her already! :D Lovely work with those blocks, though!

  18. I can just imagine the expression on Betty's face. Looks like it will be another great BOM!

  19. Love the new blocks you've made and I agree ~ paper pieced points are the best! Please do make it available!
    I've got to say ~ the retro kitchen is wonderful. Betty looks way too perfect ~ kind of like June on 'Leave it to Beaver'. Love the blocks and can't wait till January 1!

  20. beautiful!! everything is so fantastic!! Love your flower block, and can't wait for you BOM to start!! I will definitely be here in Jan

  21. Fun flowers! Totally makes me think of Hawaii!

  22. Love the flower block.and as for Betty, well she's just too perfect. I love her.

  23. Your blocks are certainly doing justice to that lovely new Kate Spain fabric!

    You mean your house isn't just like Bettys? Now I am amazed :) What else do you do with your time in between planning BOM's and designing blocks??

  24. I can't wait to admire Daydream up close and personal... thanks so much Kristy! Love your sweet flower blocks and I'm lolling over Betty.

  25. Love those flowers! I am excite about the new BOM :)

  26. Love that fabric and the blocks are adorable. It will be lovely when it's finished!

  27. I am very interested in the flower quilt. I would love to see the blocks and patterns. I like your BOM too. You are so talented and should write a book.

  28. Very cute kitchen blocks! You'll like my Friday finish this week. Similar theme!

  29. Betty does it all. How did they do it, you ask. They didn't have TV or the Internet... they didn't read much either, and there was a certain amount of respect for someone with a large family, clean house and good cooking. Now there's no respect unless you are a good provider. Ahhhh, the good old days.
    Love the patterns!

  30. Your retro kitchen blocks have really captured the look. I love the flower blocks too.

  31. Gorgeous flower blocks :). Love love love :). Will make a lovely quilt for a little girl :).

    Jenn from Mellycoddle :).

  32. Very awesome! Love the retro lady, she is fantastic! :)

  33. First, to answer your question, I prefer blocks. I never follow quilt patterns and usually don't purchase them.
    Second, Oh My Gosh!!!! I LOve these retro kitchen blocks. I about freaked over that mixer! We had one of those when I was little, a mustard yellow Sunbeam. We have aprons like that as well. I don't want to be surprised next year I just want them all right now :) I'll work on being patient.

  34. Betty is gorgeous! A little intimidating maybe, but still fabulous! I love the flowers too, and I think I even prefer the blue/purple ones.

  35. Love those kitchen blocks, especially the mixer!! Can't wait for January!

  36. Love those flower blocks. What fun retro blocks. You are one busy mamma!!

  37. Betty is just amazing! Love all your blocks and your Daydreaming flower are going to make a very pretty quilt!

  38. Love the flower blocks! My preferred method is paper piecing, too. I'm in the process of paper piecing a triangle border because I couldn't figure out the math otherwise. Better get back to it!

  39. Your flowers look fantastic Kristy, I love that line, too! And you're still amazing me with your talent to designing, I love those retro kitchen designs!

  40. Never get tired of teal and red myself! Love your blocks and you are so good at these PP patterns!

  41. Oh, cool! The BOM looks great, and your WIP blocks are marvelous!

  42. The flowers are lovely. I'm thrilled about next year's BOM, I'll be in! I'm just finishing up my entry for this year's BOM and will be getting photos of it this weekend when i get to see some daylight!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I read each and every word! I'll do my best to reply to them either via email or here on the blog, when time permits!