
Friday, 25 October 2013

Blogger’s Quilt Festival – LEGO Star Wars Quilt

 A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away… (cue epic Star Wars music – just hum it in your head while reading this post for true dramatic effect)

LEGO star Wars quilt in the space shuttle

Okay so really it was only about two months ago and this was in Sydney.. but you get the picture. It’s all about my epic LEGO Star Wars paper pieced quilt. I’m entering this one in this round of the Bloggers Quilt Festival at Amy’s Creative Side.
I should perhaps apologise to regular readers who’ve seen this posted everywhere I could possibly think of – I’m that proud of it. But I’m not going to apologise because I am that proud of it Winking smile

P1020331 (480x640)

I designed this quilt for my son – based on his obsession with LEGO Star Wars. 16 paper pieced characters. 8 paper pieced light sabers. Countless hours. Umpteen pieces of paper. Numerous grey hairs. Endless love for my kidlet who received this for his 6th birthday. He loves it. It’s already been used for a picnic blanket, a LEGO mat, a cubby house, a snuggly blanket, and of course dragged around on our Sydney trip to get photos wherever I could think of.

LEGO Star Wars Paper Pieced quilt Label

I even managed to include a label on the quilt. I figure if I put that much work into it, it deserved a label so generations to come can appreciate what an awesome mum I am/was. Yep, I’m optimistic that this going to last well into the future. Even if it might be well used and a bit raggedy by that point. At least it will be proof it’s been loved.

LEGO Star Wars paper pieced quilt

All of these patterns are available as free downloads at You know, in case someone else gets a bit crazy and wants to make an entire quilt like I did. Oh there are even a couple more patterns in the shop that didn’t make it onto my quilt.

LEGO Star Wars Paper pieced quilt by Kristy @ Quiet Play

This is possibly one of my most favourite quilts yet. Mainly because my son loves it so much. He even took it to school for show and tell (don’t worry, I supervised and brought it home again before it got squished in J’s schoolbag amidst sandwich crusts and squashed grapes).

Commander Rex is my son’s favourite character. It was the first block I designed and made for him. Fortunately I didn’t have to make him a costume for Book Week, it was easy to buy one. I did have to make him a Commander Rex birthday cake however (with much help from my mum!).

LEGO Paper pieced Commander RexJ striking a Commander Rex poseClone Commander Rex Cake

You can read a bit more about the quilt in my original Big Reveal post – and there are certainly plenty of pics scattered in various posts on my blog as I udpated my progress.

Star wars quilt layout

So some final details… This quilt is throw sized (therefore logically I’m entering it in the Throw Quilt category!) finishing up at 50” x 60”. It is all paper pieced using a variety of Sketch and Color Weave fabrics. The patterns are all designed by me (and available in my shop at Not too shabby for a girl who’s never seen the original Star Wars movie hey?

So there we have it. A revisit to a favourite quilt of mine. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my entry. How about one more picture for the road?

LEGO Star Wars with LEGO displays

And truly, I cannot finish this blog post without one last phrase…. yep you guessed it. Go on, say it with me:

May the Force be with you.

And if you so care to, you can vote for my quilt here :) Just click the little heart in the top right corner. If it turns red, you've voted! ;) And thanks!


  1. It's fab Kristy! Since my other half has the Rage Against the Machine version of the Star Wars theme as his ringtone, that was going through my head this whole post ;o)

  2. I have a Son in law and granddaughter that would love this quilt. It's something to be proud of.

  3. This quilt is so fantastic :)

  4. You should be very proud of yourself! Hopefully my son in law is going to be getting one of these for Christmas if I get my act together. I have made 9 blocks so far…..

  5. OMG... Love love love. This is an awesome quilt... and I haven't seen it everywhere... but it wouldn't matter cause you should be proud of it and show it EVERYWHERE. What an awesome gift for your son.

  6. Hi Kristy! It is amazing quilt and your son is surely so proud about it! I'm sure no one else has so super quilt! x Teje

  7. Its such a cool quilt...may the force be with you ;)

  8. This is an amazing quilt, and you should absolutely be proud of it! I'm surprised this thing hasn't gone viral on Reddit yet. :)

  9. This is so fun! Thanks for sharing it.

  10. Fantastic quilt! you should be very proud! I know it will be cherished.

  11. You can never brag too much about this quilt, it is amazing!

  12. This is so cool. Any kid would love it.

  13. that quilt is completely amazing! i hope you win a prize. :-)

  14. This is just too cool!! Great work - some of that FPP must have been a nightmare to get so perfect.

  15. This is such a cool quilt and I love the pics you took, although I did think you had dressed your boy as the 'Stig' there for a minute #dumbass

  16. I absolutely love this quilt!

  17. FAB-U-LOUS !!! I have a couple of Star Wars lovers here too and this quilt is just great. Congrats!

  18. This quilt is so awesome and it was fun to see it again!! A true treasure!!

  19. You are more than justified in being happy with this quilt, it's epic! Your son is v lucky to have such a talented mum :D

  20. Yay, I'm so glad you're sharing this for the BQF! It would be brilliant to have a wonderful fandom quilt in every category!

  21. Lol, love this, and I can see why your son does too!

  22. Totally worth it to see it again: this one is awesome.

  23. Definitely don't apologize! You should never have to apologize for total awesomeness, and that is what this is!

  24. You should be proud of it! We don't blame you. ;)

  25. Wow! My grandkids would love this one :-). Awesome!

  26. SO fabulous. You have a very lucky son!

  27. This is so, so, so awesomely awesome! My girls OBSESSIVELY love Star Wars,

  28. Very fun quilt! Great job.

  29. heee :) That last picture is too funny!! Really great job here!

  30. Holy crap - this quilt is awesome!

  31. Fantastic! Love the C3PO bit at the end - hilarious! Great job Mom!

  32. Love this quilt! I am so impressed that you designed all these blocks and then made them available on Craftsy! It is such a fantastic quilt.

  33. I was about to ask where you bought the templates... I am impressed by your skills

  34. May the Force be with YOU! Your quilt is fantastic. I'm sure you've inspired a lot of people out there!

    I think your next project should be Star Trek...

  35. Amazing quilt. My son would love it but I'm not sure I'm clever enough!


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